maxrich ventures - Team


The cornerstone for maxrich ventures’ great vision was laid back in 2005 when Max and Rich met at a convention in Barcelona. After that, their paths kept crossing. Since then, Max and Rich have helped more than 150 companies to become established and together founded the startup accelerator maxrich venturesBoth founders have previously successfully built and grown businesses, conducted seven-figure financing rounds for tech startups and have a long-standing and exclusive network of contacts in the world of finance.

As a startup accelerator, maxrich ventures invests in the seed phase of technology-focused companies that save lives. maxrich ventures not only invests venture capital in innovative teams of founders and attracts co-investors but also oversees investor relations on behalf of the startups concerned. That is why maxrich ventures acts as a booster for innovative, purpose-driven tech startups with strong founding teams that demonstrate an above-average performance.


New technologies are changing our lives. We will soon be part of a smart world that offers virtually limitless new possibilities. As we begin to explore the order and rules of this new space, many questions will arise. Technology itself is neither good nor bad. It is always up to us, to use technology for the benefit of humankind. maxrich ventures is convinced that we can solve some of today’s biggest problems with new technologies and can save countless lives. maxrich ventures has one mission: to accelerate the delivery of solutions to the world’s greatest problems for the benefit of humankind.


We humans are blessed with passion, a wealth of ideas and extraordinary abilities. Yet this energy is often used to realise projects
that do not benefit humanity. Just think of all the positive, meaningful things we could accomplish with this creative energy. Innovations should serve humankind so that people feel good and experience positive development. The focus should be on giving our activities meaning and on using sustainable technologies to solve the greatest problems confronting humanity today.

maxrich ventures invests in advanced technologies of the future to accelerate the transition to solutions that solve humankind’s most urgent problems and save lives. If our startups and co-investors attain their financial goals, that is a very positive side-effect of maxrich venturesvision. The greatest possible economical gains can be achieved when one is able to solve humanity’s most critical issues. There is absolutely no contradiction between working on the right thing and earning a significant amount of money while doing so.

maxrich ventures - Finanzierung
maxrich ventures has previously conducted seven-figure financing rounds for tech startups and has an established and exclusive network of contacts in the world of finance.
maxrich ventures - Coaching

The maxrich ventures
underpin their investments with insider knowledge about financing rounds
and investor relations.

maxrich ventures - Vorträge

Dynamic, sought-after, international investors, speakers and experts. maxrich ventures presentations have attracted audiences in their thousands.

maxrich ventures - Charity
Philanthropists who help and give back to those in need. That is why we have founded the charity “HAPPY LIFE”.
maxrich ventures - Investor Relations

maxrich ventures not only invests in innovative founder teams but also oversees investor relations for the relevant startup.

maxrich ventures - Co-Investoren

The maxrich ventures founders offer select co-investors the opportunity to invest in financing rounds for exclusive high-tech startups.

maxrich ventures - Startup Tutorials

As a startup accelerator, the team at maxrich ventures explains how to structure, prepare and conduct financing rounds and investor relations.

maxrich ventures - Innovationsmethoden

maxrich ventures uses lean startup and design thinking as an innovative method to accelerate the delivery of solutions to the world’s greatest problems.

maxrich ventures - Startup Academy

With our 20 years of experience as entrepreneurs and startup investors,

we are able to apply our eight-step screening process so we can precisely analyse whether an investment in a startup is worthwhile.